2: Nan Eagleson - Birds of Denali

2: Nan Eagleson – Birds of Denali
Denali 360

Nan Eagleson lived and worked throughout the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada as a biologist and naturalist guide before finding her home in Denali National Park. She is an exceptional wilderness tour guide and is sought after for her extensive knowledge of birds. Nan conducts botanical surveys in the wilderness of Alaska. In her spare time she can be found birding, hiking, canoeing, and dog sledding. This unassuming woman is a remarkable breath of knowledge topped only by her endless energy and enthusiasm. Her book, Birds of Denali, is an overview of 44 bird species in Denali National Park covering habitat and location, migration stories, and conservation status. The book is written by Carol McIntyre, Nan Eagleson, and Alan Seegert, with beautiful illustrations by David Sibley.” Birds of Denali can be purchased on Amazon.com.


3: Clay Walker - Mayor of Denali


1: Tom Walker - Pioneers of the Park